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Simona Franko

emotional freedom technique

Simona Franko

Certified EFT Practitioner

About EFT

EFT(Emotional Freedom Technique) or tapping is a simple form of acupuncture or acupressure, but without needles. It blends ancient Chinese medicine with modern psychology.

Combining words with gentle tapping, we work together to clear away all the emotions that are depleting or clogging up your energy body.

Negative emotions are the result of a disruption in the body’s energy system. EFT can help to reduce this so you can move on with your life.

The Power of EFT

Addressing a Wide Range of Issues

During these challenging times, many people find themselves stuck and struggling to move forward in their life. This can range from fear over changing jobs to dealing with traumatic events.

EFT helps you to release fear and live your life more fully.

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Stress & Anxiety

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Pain Relief

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Trauma & Traumatic Events

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Emotional Eating

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About Matrix Reimprinting

Matrix Reimprinting is a therapeutic technique developed by Karl Dawson, building upon Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). It targets the transformation of past traumatic memories and negative beliefs stored in the subconscious mind.

Matrix Reimprinting also has the ability to alter beliefs or decisions made on the day of a specific memory, generating a new, positive view of the memories.

It involves a literal rewriting of the subconscious, transforming the perception and understanding of what occurred on that day. This process goes beyond releasing emotional charges; it actively restructures the cognitive framework associated with the past, paving the way for a more positive and empowering narrative.

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Services Offered

I offer 1-1 appointments via zoom or in-person and group classes.

30 minute FREE assessment

1 x 1 hour 1-1 session and packages available

90 Minutes 1-1 session

In-person group tapping

Multipointed Star

What Clients Say

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I had a deep, deep trauma from over 5 years ago and after the EFT session with Simona all the anger, injustice and upset was released.

I feel calmer and free in my mind as well as free and released in my soul.

Thank you so, so much Simona xxx.

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Simona was great at putting me at ease and I soon felt comfortable to share what has been bothering me for so long. I now feel so much happier, lighter and unburdened after my sessions. It’s incredible how doing EFT with Simona has worked so fast and has been so effective - a miracle. Thank you so much ☺️

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Thank you Simona ❤️ and everyone in the group . Its such a supportive non judgemental group. I have really found the tapping and group support beneficial to my mental and physical wellbeing. Have a wonderful calm and peaceful summer everyone

Work with Me

Email Address

Phone Number


Fully Accredited Practioner with EFT International

Certified EFT Practitioner, Matrix Re-imprinting Specialist and Trauma Tapper.

Hi, I’m Simona!

I’m a busy working Mum of 2 and live near Bristol. My favourite things to do are spending time in nature and dancing!

About Me

EFT changed my life! I was living with vertigo and deep fear and anxiety. After my first EFT session I felt a huge relief and so much lighter. I was in shock at how amazing I felt and this is how I started my journey to becoming a practitioner so I could help people to experience the same.

The job I had caused my stress and anxiety and I realised the profound impact of fear. I was constantly in a state of fight or flight.

My unique background working in a gambling environment has equipped me with firsthand insights into the complexities of addiction.

Coupled with my personal journey alongside loved ones struggling with alcohol dependence, I bring a compassionate and understanding approach to my practice.

My goal is to help people overcome fear, get unstuck in their lives and start a fresh.

I’m so pleased you’re here. To take the first step towards your emotional freedom book in your free assessment with me.

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Free Meditation!

Experience a guided meditation that gently taps into acceptance and love, nurturing your spirit and fostering inner peace.

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Join my email Community!

Find out about my group tapping classes. ​Receive tips and guidance. Start your EFT ​journey with me!